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As necessary building elements for sequential logic and memory storage, latches belong to digital circuitry. These components are important for the building and running of electronic systems because they make it possible to build intricate circuits that run everything from cellphones to computers. Electronic devices called latch are used to hold and protect data. They fall within the category of logically ordered parts, which shows that their output hinges on both the previous and present sequence of inputs. Sequential logic makes use of learning, in against combined logic, which only produces outputs based on the current inputs. These building blocks of serial logic, which range in strength from basic SR latches to more complex master-slave flip-flops, allow the creation of complex systems that drive the everyday technologies. For engineers and designers who are pushing the limits of what is feasible in the digital age, an in-depth knowledge of latches is still important as technology develops. Within a CPU, data can be stored in registers, which are collections of door latches. State machines cannot function without latch, which allow for the design of complex circuits with varying states depending on inputs and prior states. Latches are important parts of control units because they make it simple to organize multiple tasks in a digital system.